90 Day Sprint (Beta)

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The 90 Day Sprint (Beta) is the all in one marketing program designed for you to consistently and predictably identify, attract & book your ideal clients.

Course Instructor

Darryl "DJ" Turner Darryl “DJ” Turner Author

Module 1: Setting Your Foundations

Module 2: Identifying & Solidifying Your Niche

Module 3: Crafting Your Message

Module 4: Crafting Your Offers

Module 5: Where & How To Find Your Ideal Clients

Module 6: The Alchemy of Client Conversion

Module 7: Organic Client Attraction

Module 8: Scaling Online With Paid Advertising Part 1

Module 9: Scaling Online With Paid Advertising Part 2

Module 10: Crossing The Finish Line

Live Coaching Calls

BONUS: Rapid Client Injection (Coming Soon!)

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BONUS MASTERCLASS: Time Management Mastery (Coming Soon!)

Other Course Bonuses